Platform Media Storage
Your platform media storage space
Last updated
Your platform media storage space
Last updated
Cloudfile is where you upload media that can be used when creating , or .
Stock Images & Videos that you save will also be added to Cloudfile.
Access Cloudfile from the main menu. Use the options in the toolbar (top right) and the left-side menu.
Search your folders & files.
List or Grid View
Pick your preferred folder & file layout.
Sort by Time or Name
Sort your folders and files by recency or alphabetically.
Add Folder
Create a new folder or subfolder.
Upload Files
Upload media to a specific folder or to the general directory (use the icon or right-click).
Use the side menu to access your folders and files.
Add new folders, and organise files into folders.
Recently added / uploaded.
All your image files (not arranged into folders).
All your video files (not arranged into folders).
All your audio files (not arranged into folders).
All your documents, i.e. PDF files.
Select a folder or file to reveal the folder/file options.
Open the file in a new tab.
Move to
Move a folder or file to a new location in Cloudfile.
Delete a folder or file.
Naming each file and folder will make your media easy to find and well organised. Using folders will ensure that Cloudfile load time is minimised.
Select the file and then select Remove. Select multiple files to remove multiple files.
Open Cloudfile.
Select the cloud icon from the top toolbar.
A new folder will be placed in the first position of your folders. Select it to rename.
Folders can not be added into a category.
Files saved from (images, video and media from story templates).